Sunday, August 14, 2005

To Be Or Not To Be

Well, another exasperating week comes to an end, not in terms of working but in terms of not being able to do anything constructive. And now I’m left with some serious conundrums. I have to make a choice in things concerning my career & my personal life.

Whenever I got to make such choices, I just get nostalgic and think about school. When I was in school I had a couple of very good friends, who had different ideologies and convictions. At times they had to face their prejudices and used to have a problem with getting along. And once it happened that they had a cold war going on between them and both of them expected me to part with the other. During this phase, I had to discreetly meet either one of them for their friendship and had to say “I’m with you buddy”. I should add that this was certainly not done on deliberation but rather compulsion. The fact was that both of them were great friends and I really cherished their friendship.

One fine day my buddies recovered that I was cris-crossing, and it hurt one of them really bad. He just came over to me and just said “Buddy at times in life you are at the cross-roads and you got to just choose your path. You have to clearly see two roads ahead of you and you got to make a choice and once you choose you just cannot backtrack”. So what do you think happened next?

I made my choice I’d rather say ‘so called choice’ and bid farewell to the alchemist (my dear friend). Yeah, I called him the alchemist because after a few months he met with an accident and passed away but left me haunted with his words. I’ll never ever forget the words he said.

I keep wondering is it we who make the choices or is it the choices that make us. I don’t think there is anything such as a choice technically. All our lives we keep thinking we are choosing but we end up with what we were meant to deserve. All I can think about in this moment is “today is the first day for the rest of my life”.

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