Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Fellowship Of Adventure

Well I just finished my first week of work @ Adventure (name deliberately changed due 2 implications). The week kicked out with a 2 day induction program which I personally think was an awful abuse of time & resources. Firstly there were those huge organization charts which looked more like a food chain & made us look ridiculous @ the bottom of the pyramid, then there were about 10 ppts 2 instate the company’s culture, values & ethics. And lastly there was a session about ergonomics (might have been informative 2 ppl who had no cognizance about it). The only thing informative was the stuff about “India Protection Services” an organization with a JV with Adventure for awareness about first aid & things u should do in case of X situations. For instance bomb hoax or fire breaking @ ur workplace.

And then the actual training commenced on the third day which was interesting in a different perspective. I couldn’t probably abstain from writing some dilbertisms wrt it. We had a training coordinator who thought that his job was 2 just commute between the first & the fourth floor with the context of coordinating. We had a couple of sessions which emphasized only on the management aspect as though the threshold work of an organization is management and not the actual technical work & skill ( the work needed 2 make the product work ). Then the quality ppl grilled us on the QMS, CMMI 5 and other such initiatives which r more on the business side. Anyway it was more of good 2 know than need 2 know.

Then we had 2 fill out time sheets for the pay 2 be transferred 2 our account. A gr8 deal of hard work was required 2 do this. You need 2 enter an alphanumeric charge codes for all the activities u do. That means a charge code for a working day, a holiday, a national holiday and yup even the HR induction program. There was some discrepancy in entering the charge codes and everyone ended mailing their info two 2 three times. I pity the HR dude who got spammed but it was his work 2 ensure that we did not goof up in the first place.

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