I happened to watch the Marc Forster’s flick “Finding Neverland”, a tale looming around a theatric writer called J. M. Barrie who wrote the play Peter Pan. There is a scene in this flick where Barrie says “Use the pages of your imagination to find neverland”. (Neverland is a metaphor used to refer to a place where Barrie gets to see perfection & happiness. It is a place where he finds only children and these children never grow old (The child above is a metaphor for the child within each of us who always stay’s young but restricted by our egos). Well it was quite an emotional movie with an awesome ending and I was forced to introspect about the place I would call neverland. Would it be:-
1. Driving a Ferrari Enzo in Autobahn (the best highway stretch on planet earth).
2. Steering a Russian T-54 & destroying a vulnerable target, or say something like the Hoover dam.
3. Making a time machine that is based on quantum theory.
Phew…what a jerk.
Then I tried to think clearly “Have I been to my Neverland before”. Then I managed to put my thoughts together could visualize my neverland as follows.
It’s a place where I and my friends used to play football, where we used to cycle in the rain, where we found freedom in uniform (bunking & watching movies), where we celebrated the new year parties on the terrace rocking, where we hired a boat steered it to the middle of the pond and slept for a long time, where we did the school projects and were the best always, where I met one of my best friends when both of us were listening and singing “Hotel California”, where we looked up gazing at the stars realizing that we were watching history (the light emitted from the stars takes light years to travel to earth so the light which we are seeing actually was emitted so many light years before) and of-course where there is no sorrow & a zillion years of peace……………….
1. Driving a Ferrari Enzo in Autobahn (the best highway stretch on planet earth).
2. Steering a Russian T-54 & destroying a vulnerable target, or say something like the Hoover dam.
3. Making a time machine that is based on quantum theory.
Phew…what a jerk.
Then I tried to think clearly “Have I been to my Neverland before”. Then I managed to put my thoughts together could visualize my neverland as follows.
It’s a place where I and my friends used to play football, where we used to cycle in the rain, where we found freedom in uniform (bunking & watching movies), where we celebrated the new year parties on the terrace rocking, where we hired a boat steered it to the middle of the pond and slept for a long time, where we did the school projects and were the best always, where I met one of my best friends when both of us were listening and singing “Hotel California”, where we looked up gazing at the stars realizing that we were watching history (the light emitted from the stars takes light years to travel to earth so the light which we are seeing actually was emitted so many light years before) and of-course where there is no sorrow & a zillion years of peace……………….