Thursday, November 10, 2005

MS Buzz!

Well Microsoft seems to be again making a lot of buzz with the "Windows Live" a next-generation platform strategy that builds on and extends the vision offered by .NET

Windows Live is not an operating system, having mostly originated from the MSN group's work. Rather, Windows Live is a set of services, many of which will initially be targeted at consumers. These services will include calendar management, real-time communications, information management & loads of stuff.

Since 2000, Microsoft has been trying to provide online services to small businesses. The other part of the initiative, Office Live, is the company's latest attempt, involving services that are solutions implemented on Windows SharePoint Services.

Though Microsoft has offered mixed messages on this subject, its manner of addressing the issue of Ajax and its Windows (and future Windows Vista) client technologies may clarify its intentions. The next big thing in Vista is the Win FX file system which is more of a platform than a file system. It basically consists of the core NTFS on top of which we a SQL relational engine (Yukon) followed by the framework (which has the various services) & then the APIs.

Way to go Microsoft ....................

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