Monday, June 08, 2009

An Integrated Security Model for the Management of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Click here to download

I defended my Masters thesis entitled "An Integrated Security Model for the Management of SOA" on June 1st 09' at the IT University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Turn Your Laptop To A Wireless Hotspot

Use this hack to quickly turn your laptop into a wireless hot spot without any extra software. This video demonstrates how you can turn Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Mac OS X laptops into wireless broadcasting hot spots.

Courtesy: CNET

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I just finished reading the book 'Blink' by Malcolm Gladwell. The author's basic thesis is that often snap judgements (also called thin slicing) can be more accurate than well researched, careful analysis. Below is an interesting excerpt from the book;

"There are lots of books that tackle broad themes, that analyze the world from great remove. This is not one of them. Blink is concerned with the very smallest components of our everyday lives—the content and origin of those instantaneous impressions and conclusions that spontaneously arise whenever we meet a new person or confront a complex situation or have to make a decision under conditions of stress. When it comes to the task of understanding ourselves and our world, I think we pay too much attention to those grand themes and too little to the particulars of those fleeting moments. But what would happen if we took our instincts seriously? What if we stopped scanning the horizon with our binoculars and began instead examining our own decision making and behavior through the most powerful of microscopes? I think that would change the way wars are fought, the
kinds of products we see on the shelves, the kinds of movies that get made, the way police officers are trained, the way couples are counseled, the way job interviews are conducted, and on and on. And if we were to combine all of those little changes, we would end up with a different and better world. I believe—and I hope that by the end of this book you will believe it as well—that the task of making sense of ourselves and our behavior requires that we acknowledge there can be as much value in the blink of an eye as in months of rational analysis."

A major flaw in this book is diversity of topics Gladwell tries relating to and ends up diverging from the actual topic. I think his first book "The Tipping Point" was much better in this aspect. Nevertheless, blink is quite entertaining and worthy of a read. I'm also looking forward to read Gladwell's latest book 'Outliers'.

Friday, January 09, 2009

The Day India Stood Still!

The scene at a petrol bunk @ Bannerghatta Rd, Bangalore today!

Monday, January 05, 2009


I was trying to recollect some of the best anecdotes I have read till date and here are some I could remember. I must confess that I had read the first and second ones way back in primary school from a monthly mag called 'Wisdom' (which is not in circulation currently) under a section called 'Sparklers'. It had me in splits back then which also affirms the fact that I remember it to this day ;)

C. Rajagopalachari

Rajagopalachari also popularly known as Rajaji has the unique distinction of being the only Indian Governor-General. He served as Acting Governor-General during November,1947 and he led a very simple life in the viceregal palace. It is known that he used to wash his own clothes. During this time a friend of Rajaji came to visit him. He was surprised to see the acting Governor-General Rajaji polishing his own shoes and asked why a governal general should polish his shoes. Rajaji replied sarcastically "YES, INDEED IT IS MY OWN SHOE AND WHOSE SHOE DO YOU POLISH?".

George Bernard Shaw

A famous motion picture star met GBS on shipboard while traveling to America. She monopolized the conversation for the four days on the water. At the final dinner she stated to Shaw,

"Mr. Shaw, what a wonderful thing it would be for us to get married. Think of the children we could have. Why with my beauty and your brains they would conquer the world."


Cary Grant

Cary Grant is said to have been reluctant to reveal his age to the public, having played the youthful lover for more years than would have been appropriate. One day, while he was sorting out some business with his agent, a telegram arrived from a journalist who was desperate to learn how old the actor was. It read "HOW OLD CARY GRANT?." Grant, who happened to open it himself, immediately cabled back "OLD CARY GRANT FINE. HOW YOU?"

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock's 1944 film "Lifeboat," a drama about eight survivors of a freighter sunk by a German U-Boat, was one of the most popular films of the year (it was also nominated for three Academy Awards). While posing for publicity photographs for the film, actress Mary Anderson approached the director and asked, "What is my best side, Mr. Hitchcock?" His reply was soon being circulated all around Hollywood:



In the mid-1700s, the great French man of letters known as Voltaire was invited by friends to attend an orgy in Paris. Having never participated in such an event, but always open to new experiences, he eagerly accepted the invitation. The next day, as the group rehashed the previous night's activities, the intellectually-curious philosopher reported that he had learned many new things and had greatly enjoyed the experience. Happy to learn that they might have converted the great philosopher to their hedonistic ways, the group invited him to join them again later that evening. Voltaire graciously declined by offering a bon mot that only served to enhance his reputation as a great wit and wordsmith:


This last one is rather apocryphal, but I'd like to believe it's true (read this a few years ago in TOI).

George W Bush

Reporter: "Mr. President, What is your views on euthanasia"


Source: wikipedia and anecdotage

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Thoughts For The New Year!
A Beautiful Life
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: life beautiful)